Collaboration, Community Involvement, Connectivity and Representation
Collaboration - The We Care program is a collaborative effort of the IRCMS, IRC Health Department and IRC Hospital District. More than 130 local physicians and other health care professionals volunteer their services to indigent patients in need.
Community Involvement – The IRCMS is associated with local business associations and invites you to participate as well! The IRCMS is member of the Vero Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce.
Connectivity and Representation
IRCMS membership also entitles you to timely policy updates on key issues of interest to physicians, low or no cost opportunities to obtain CME credit, patient referrals, access to our research service, plus a myriad of benefits unnamed, not to mention the residual effect that follows association with IRCMS’ excellent standing in the community.
IRC Medical PAC
As an IRCMS member, you have the option of joining the IRC Medical PAC ($25/yr). The Medical PAC Board stays up to date on local and state issues and elections, keeps you informed and supports candidates that will work in the best interest of physicians and patients.
Florida Medical Association
We encourage you to join the Florida Medical Association, a professional association dedicated to the service and assistance of Doctors of Medicine and Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine in Florida. The FMA represents more than 20,000 physicians on issues of legislation and regulatory affairs.
The IRCMS is allotted 1 delegate with voting rights in the FMA House of Delegates for every 40 IRCMS/FMA members. Joining both organizations maximizes representation and the protection of your interests as a physician, your patients and the practice of medicine.
Click here for a membership application Or Click here to apply online.
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